Monday 25 January 2010

assessment 2 analysis of a horror opening sequence

Monday, 25 January 2010

Assessment 2 analysis of a horror opening sequence


The Grudge opening scene

The opening scene of the film the Grudge, uses micro themes to show the audience that it is a horror film by using camera, editing, Mise-en-scene and also sound. Sound is one of the most popular micro themes used within the clip. Creaking doors give tension and could also instigate that the building may be old or unused. Creaking stairs can also be heard within the clip.

There is very little dialogue used in the clip but the female chinese character is able to speak very good English. She gives off the impression that she is a carer for the older lady. Screaming again is a good use of sound as it shows the character has been frightened/scared in some way.

Mise-en-scene is used in the clip, The location of the house is set in what looks like a chinese town/village. I think this due to the fact that there are many Chinese symbols around the streets and there is a vast amount of Chinese people in the area.

Costumes of the characters also come under the Mise-en-scene micro theme.

Camera techniques include a tracking shot, both high and low angle shots and also a close up shot.

Editing is used when subtitles are show across the screen at the begining of the clip. This is a good use of editing in a clip as it informs the viewer of what is going on and what to expect from the film. By using subtitles it informs the viewer of vital information such as when the film was created, where it is set and also what characters to expect to see.

Editing is also used when there is an over the shoulder shot of the chinese character when she enters the cupboard.